LMT Defense Wins Contract for Estonian Defence Forces

MILAN, ILLINOIS – December 4, 2018 – LMT Defense is pleased to announce the award of the firearms contract for Estonian Defence Forces.

Lewis Machine & Tool, LMT Defense, participated in a tender bid opportunity to replace all current weapons with Estonian Defence Forces. This tender is for an initial sale of rifles and ancillaries to be delivered by 2021 with the opportunity for additional rifles and ancillaries to be delivered through 2026. The weapons were tested to stringent standards that are used on today’s most advanced weapon systems.

“We are proud to be the selected winner for Estonian Defence Forces”, Said Karl Lewis, “This shows our commitment to making high quality weapons for our NATO partners and worldwide allies.”

LMT Defense has selected Milrem LCM, an Estonian defense systems lifecycle management provider as their local partner. Milrem LCM has been the partner of the Estonian Defence Forces since 2014 and has extensive knowledge with armored and combat vehicles. “We are glad to be able to provide our support to Lewis Machine & Tool in this project,” said Ingvar Pärnamae, Managing Director of Milrem LCM.

These weapons utilize the LMT Defense monolithic upper on the MARS rifle system. The MARS was developed in 2014 and was initially delivered under contract to New Zealand Defence Force. The MARS weapon platform is a completely ambidextrous rifle system including ambidextrous bolt catch, bolt release, safety selector, magazine release and charging handle.

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